Open Call for an Exhibition Project at GAFU Gallery

The Faculty of Arts of the OU announces a call for submission of an art or curatorial exhibition project to the GAFU Gallery. Deadline for the exhibition project: September / October 2025. The call is open to individuals, groups or collectives from the Czech Republic and abroad. The concept of exhibition projects is not limited by theme or media. The selection criterion is the quality of the exhibition project set in the current context. Submitted projects will be reviewed by the GAFU Gallery Council.

A project proposal including a brief annotation, artist/curator portfolio and budget plan should be sent to .

The deadline for submission of projects is September 15, 2024.

The GAFU Gallery provides:

Exhibition space including technology
Financial support for the costs of the exhibition (max. 35.000 CZK / 1.380 EUR)
PR of the exhibition (promotion, printing of posters, plans, etc.)

Information about GAFU Gallery:

Opening hours:
mon - fri   10 - 18

The exhibition area of the gallery is divided into two spaces: ground floor approx. 140 m2 and first floor approx. 80 m2.

Gallery floor plan and illustrative photos

More information


Updated: 19. 07. 2024