About the Department of Painting
Painting study program run in two studios: Painting studio I and Painting studio II. Painting studio I presents students with classical imaging methods in painting, whereas Painting studio II includes also conceptual and intermedial overlaps.
Students get basic knowledge of painting principles via studying models or structure of painting areas. Step by step they will proceed to learn how to conceptually grasp their selected topics. They learn how to discern and analyze structure of an artwork starting from its original concept until its materialization, predominantly by painting methods. Bachelor´s program focuses mostly on composition, color surface, form and content of the work of art, thus making students aware of relationship connecting an idea, form and final media; carried out predominantly by painting techniques. Given short-term appointments, they learn to understand and apply in practice principal artistic and painting phenomena such as surface and volume paintings, scale painting, using of color contrasts, point, line, measure, gesture, movement. In the course of the study, students work on thematic term assignments which aim at enhancing their artistic sense and painting way of thinking, alongside with their technical and technological skills. During semesters, students work on thematic key assignments that develop their feelings and artistic thinking, as well as their technical and technological skills. Students get acquainted with various techniques of painting and using color in space frame. They cultivate artistic thinking and sensitivity, being expressed through their creations, and through this process they are reaching out into deeper layers of their personality and searching for their sweet spot in contemporary art. Methods of teaching aim at having a graduate able to artistically express himself/herself through painting, which can be supplemented by overlaps to other media (digital image, video, installation, object), and at the same time critically reflecting and moving with ease in cultural and social sciences, reflecting life in its multiple aspects. Study curriculum allows for introducing students to currently discussed themes in contemporary art, helping them to discern and critically define a work of art in the context of contemporary art and art as such.
Updated: 14. 04. 2021