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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Fine Arts and Music > About > Organizational Structure > Departments > Department of String Instruments

Luděk Cap

Luděk Cap

Academic degree, name, surname:
doc. MgA. Luděk Cap
Room, floor, building:
CU 404, Building CU
Research interests and teaching:
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 3305

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Year: 2023
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2019
Year: 2019
Year: 2018
Year: 2017
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2017
presentations (congresses, symposia, conferences, workshops)
Year: 2017
Year: 2016
Year: 2016
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
recordings released on audio media or filmed
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2008
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Pavel Vítek, Jiří Zedníček, Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2007
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Pavel Vítek, Jiří Zedníček
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Luděk Cap, Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2006
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2005
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2004
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2004
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2004
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2004
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Luděk Cap, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2003
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Smyčcové Kvarteto Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2002
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Georg Friedrich Händel, Kubínovo Kvarteto, F.A. Míča, Henryk Wieniawski, Luděk Cap, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Antonín Dvořák, Johannes Brahms, Leoš Janáček ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Vlastimil Lejsek, Pavel Vítek, J. Haydn, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Franz Schubert, Pavel Vítek, J. Haydn, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap, Johannes Brahms, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Vítězslav Novák, A. Dvořák, Bohuslav Martinů ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Vladimír Svatoš, Pavel Vítek, Kubínovo Kvarteto, J. Haydn, Luděk Cap, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Franz Schubert ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Milan Lesniak, Josef Mysliveček, Kubínovo Kvarteto, F.A. Míča, Luděk Cap, Karl Stamitz, J. Haydn ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Franz Schubert, K. Dittersdorf, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Kateřina Englichová, E. Granados, E.T.A. Hoffman, Luděk Cap, Z. Lukáš, Leoš Janáček ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Frederic Chopin, Karl Stamitz, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap, A. Dvořák, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, P.I. Čajkovskij ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
A. Dvořák, Pavel Vítek, Karl Stamitz, Kubínovo Kvarteto, P.I. Čajkovskij, Luděk Cap, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Robert Schumann, Pavel Vítek, Karl Stamitz, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Johannes Brahms, Luděk Cap, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, L. Beethoven, A. Dvořák, A. Pavlorek ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Jan Křtitel Vaňhal, Kubínovo Kvarteto, L. Beethoven, Luděk Cap, Antonín Dvořák, Karl Ditters, Franz Schubert, Béla Bartók, Vlastimil Lejsek ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
L. Beethoven, Pavel Vítek, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap, M. De Palla, A. Dvořák ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Petr Eben, Pavel Vítek, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kubínovo Kvarteto, L. Beethoven, Luděk Cap, A. Dvořák ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Georg Friedrich Händel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap, Henryk Wieniawski, Franz Schubert, Antonín Dvořák, A. Dvořák ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Georg Friedrich Händel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Luděk Cap, Henryk Wieniawski, Franz Schubert, Antonín Dvořák, A. Dvořák ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art
Pavel Vítek, Leon Juřica, Kubínovo Kvarteto, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Luděk Cap, Michal Zenkl, Leoš Janáček, Johannes Brahms ... other authors
Year: 2001
interpretation of works of art

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Type of thesis
Chudá Pavlína
Violin Concerto in D major Op. 61 by L. van Beethoven
Master's thesis
Skřivánková Monika
Musical education of children with defective sight
Master's thesis
Šolcová Petra
Concertmasters of the Janáček Philharmonic Orchestra and their deputy concertmasters
Master's thesis
Pukovcová Daniela
Master's thesis
Vančura Pavel
Jasha Heifetz, his unconventional conception of the violin interpretation
Bachelor's thesis
Hadidová Gabriela
Performance anxiety - causes and elimination at elementary music school with a focus on violin playing
Bachelor's thesis
Laciga Antonín
Interpretation analysis of the Bruch's Violin Concerto Op. 26
Bachelor's thesis
Novotný Jindřich
Jan Václav Hugo Voříšek: Sonate for piano and violin G major, Op. 5 (analysis and comparsion of records)
Bachelor's thesis
Stoklasa Jakub
Antonin Dvorak - Analysis of violin concerto a-minor
Bachelor's thesis
Nagy Daniel
Monographs of MFO concert masters
Bachelor's thesis
Gradková Markéta
Miroslaw Gasieniec in the context of Polish musical culture
Bachelor's thesis
Hais Radek
Violin markers in Ostrava, in Opava and in Frydek-Mistek, life and work violin-maker Tomas Pospisil
Bachelor's thesis
Macášková Veronika
Kocian´s Violin Competition
Bachelor's thesis

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