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UO > About > Organizational Structure > Faculties & Institutes > Faculty of Fine Arts and Music > About > Organizational Structure > Departments > Department of Vocal Studies

Jakub Žídek

Academic degree, name, surname:
MgA. Jakub Žídek
Room, floor, building:
Research interests and teaching:
Phone number, mobile:
+420 553 46 2900

No record found.

Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2015
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2014
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2013
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2012
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2011
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2010
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art
Year: 2009
interpretation of works of art

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Type of thesis
Ambrúsová Ivana
Comparison of the song cycle of Vítězlava Kaprálová and Vladimír Ambros on a poem Vítězlav Nezval Sbohem a šáteček
Bachelor's thesis
Jaržembovská Jana
Artistic and educational profile of Eliška Pappová
Bachelor's thesis

Main solver
MgA. Jakub Žídek
1/2015 - 7/2015
Fakulta umění, Podporovaná z neveřejných prostředků ČR

social hub