
whole faculty
hierarchical order

Faculty Offices
Department of the Theory and History of Fine Arts
Department of Graphics and Drawing
Department of Intermedia Studies
Department of Painting
Department of Sculpture
Department of Keyboard Instruments
Department of Vocal Studies
Department of Wind Instruments
Department of String Instruments

Faculty Offices

Alphabetical order
Bartonová Jana, Mgr.
Personal Assistant to the Dean, Faculty Personnel Officer
+420 553 46 2902
Běnková Katarína, Ing.
Assistant, Office for Studie
+420 604 738 301
+420 553 46 2980
Bočková Alexandra, M.A.
Erasmus+ Coordinator
+420 553 46 2907
+420 553 46 1061
+420 596 632 297
+420 553 46 2950
Drozd Jan, Mgr., dr
Vice-Dean for Science and Development
+420 553 46 3302
+420 553 46 2900
+420 737 458 137
+420 553 46 3334
+420 553 46 2950
+420 553 46 1061
+420 553 46 2901
Krompolcová Kristýna, MgA., DiS.
Production, Public Relations and Marketing
+420 734 672 089
+420 553 46 1060
+420 553 46 1067
+420 553 46 2908
Maceček Petr, doc. Mgr., Ph.D.
Vice-Dean for Art and Public Relations
+420 739 549 388
+420 553 46 3331
Pavlíková Leona, Bc.
Faculty Secretary (interim), Assistant for Science and Development
+420 553 46 4042
+420 553 46 2950
+420 553 46 4040
Šolonková Mária
Head of Office for Studies
+420 553 46 2903
+420 553 46 3311
+420 553 46 2900
Vachalová Michaela, Ing.
Reservations, Public Relations and Marketing
+420 553 46 3307
+420 739 407 883
+420 553 46 2936
Voráčová Veronika
International coordinator
+420 553 46 2906
+420 736 192 114
+420 553 46 2950
+420 596 632 297

Department of the Theory and History of Fine Arts

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2527
+420 553 46 2910
Čurda Martin, Mgr., Ph.D.
Head of Department
+420 728 160 347
+420 553 46 3309
+420 553 46 2950
+420 553 46 3302
Garláthy Ján, MgA., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 777 094 111
+420 553 46 3308
+420 553 46 3335
+420 731 467 002
+420 553 46 4041
+420 553 46 3313
+420 553 46 2533
+420 775 108 019
+420 553 46 3311
Veber Imrich, MgA., ArtD.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2936
+420 553 46 1626

Department of Graphics and Drawing

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2964
+420 553 46 2964
+420 553 46 3302
+420 553 46 2965
+420 553 46 2961
+420 731 194 194
+420 553 46 2908
+420 553 46 2963
+420 553 46 3301
Veber Imrich, MgA., ArtD.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2936

Department of Intermedia Studies

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 3302
+420 553 46 2955
+420 553 46 2901
+420 553 46 2962
+420 553 46 2908
Veber Imrich, MgA., ArtD.
Head of Department
+420 553 46 2936

Department of Painting

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2908
Veber Imrich, MgA., ArtD.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2936

Department of Sculpture

Alphabetical order
Koléšek Jaroslav, doc. Mgr., ArtD.
Head of Department, Educational Advisor
+420 553 46 2973
+420 553 46 2908
Veber Imrich, MgA., ArtD.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 553 46 2936

Department of Keyboard Instruments

Alphabetical order
+420 553 46 2900
Garláthy Ján, MgA., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 777 094 111
+420 553 46 3308
+420 553 46 3335
+420 553 46 3325
+420 553 46 3311

Department of Vocal Studies

Alphabetical order
+420 608 935 997
+420 553 46 3324
+420 553 46 3323
+420 553 46 2927
Garláthy Ján, MgA., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 777 094 111
+420 553 46 3308
+420 553 46 3335
+420 731 467 002
+420 553 46 4041
+420 553 46 3313
+420 553 46 2927
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 3311
+420 553 46 2927
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 2900

Department of Wind Instruments

Alphabetical order
+420 608 935 997
+420 553 46 3324
+420 553 46 3338
+420 553 46 3312
+420 553 46 3334
+420 737 458 137
+420 553 46 3334
Foltýn Dušan, prof.
Head of Department
+420 553 46 3336
+420 553 46 2900
Garláthy Ján, MgA., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 777 094 111
+420 553 46 3308
+420 553 46 3335
+420 553 46 3338
+420 553 46 3337
+420 553 46 2900
+420 723 257 097
+420 553 46 3337
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 2900
+420 553 46 3311

Department of String Instruments

Alphabetical order
+420 608 935 997
+420 553 46 3324
Garláthy Ján, MgA., Ph.D.
Administrative Coordinator
+420 777 094 111
+420 553 46 3308
+420 553 46 3335
+420 553 46 2900
+420 739 549 388
+420 553 46 3331
+420 605 783 888
+420 553 46 3330
+420 553 46 3311
+420 553 46 3330